

"Jezus begreep dat ze hem wilden dwingen om mee te gaan en hem dan tot koning zouden uitroepen. Daarom trok hij zich terug op de berg, alleen." Joh. 6:15

"Nu ging Pilatus het pretorium weer in. Hij liet Jezus bij zich komen en vroeg hem: 'Bent u de koning van de Joden?' Jezus antwoordde: 'Vraagt u dit uit uzelf of hebben anderen dit over mij gezegd?' 'Ik ben toch geen Jood,' antwoordde Pilatus. 'Uw volk en uw hogepriesters hebben u aan mij uitgeleverd - wat hebt u gedaan?' Jezus antwoordde: 'Mijn koningschap hoort niet bij deze wereld. Als mijn koningschap bij deze wereld hoorde, zouden mijn dienaren wel gevochten hebben om te voorkomen dat ik aan de Joden werd uitgeleverd. Maar mijn koninkrijk is niet van hier.’”
Joh. 18:33-36


The Caesars too would have believed on Christ, if either the Caesars had not been necessary for the world, or if Christians could have been Caesars. Tertullian (c. 195, W), 3.35.

In us, all ardor in the pursuit of glory and honor is dead. So we have no pressing inducement to take part in your public meetings. Nor is there anything more entirely foreign to us than affairs of state. Tertullian (c. 195, W), 3.45.

If we remember this rule [to avoid idolatry], we can render service even to magistrates and rulers, according to the example of the patriarchs and the other forefathers. They obeyed idolatrous kings up to the point of idolatry. Therefore, very recently, there arose a dispute as to whether a servant of God should take upon himself the administration of any dignity or power— if he can keep himself (through adroitness or some special grace) from every type of idolatry. For there is the example of both Joseph and Daniel, who kept clean from idolatry and yet administered both dignity and power in . . . Egypt and Babylonia. Let us suppose that it is possible for anyone to succeed in operating under the mere name of the office, in whatever office. Let us also suppose the following: He neither sacrifices nor lends his authority to sacrifices. He does not farm out sacrificial victims. He does not assign to others the care of the temples. He does not look after their tributes. He does not give spectacles at his own or the public expense, nor preside over them. He makes no proclamation or edict for any [pagan] festivals. He does not even take oaths. Furthermore, he does not sit in judgment on anyone’s life or character (for you might allow his judging about money). He neither condemns nor indicts. He chains no one. He neither imprisons nor tortures anyone. Now, is it believable that all this is possible? Tertullian (c. 200, W), 3.72.

Shall he apply the chain, the prison, the torture, and the punishment—he who is not the avenger even of his own wrongs?
Tertullian (c. 211, W), 3.99.

Celsus [a pagan] also urges us to “take office in the government of the country, if that is necessary for the maintenance of the laws and the support of religion.” However, we recognize in each state the existence of another national organization that was founded by the Word of God. And we exhort those who are mighty in word and of blameless life to rule over churches.. . . It is not for the purpose of escaping public duties that Christians decline public offices. Rather, it is so they may reserve themselves for a more divine and necessary service in the church of God—for the salvation of men. Origen (c. 248, E), 4.668.

Zie ook:

Cyprian (c. 250, W), 5.408.
Lactantius (c. 304–313, W), 7.165, 166.

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Maar wat kunnen we wel doen?

"Maar Ik zeg u: Heb uw vijanden lief; zegen hen die u vervloeken; doe goed aan hen die u haten; en bid voor hen die u beledigen en u vervolgen;"  Matt. 5:44

"Zegen wie jullie vervloeken, bid voor wie jullie slecht behandelen". Luk. 6:28.

"Allereerst vraag ik dat er voor alle mensen gebeden wordt, dat er smeekbeden, voorbeden en dankgebeden voor hen worden uitgesproken. Bid voor alle koningen en gezagsdragers, opdat we rustig en ongestoord kunnen leven, in alle vroomheid en waardigheid. Dat is goed en welgevallig in de ogen van God, onze redder, die wil dat alle mensen worden gered en de waarheid leren kennen." 1 Tim. 2:1-4.

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