
Kleding, man en vrouw

"Een vrouw mag geen kleren en attributen van een man dragen en een man mag geen vrouwenkleren dragen. Want de HEER verafschuwt ieder die zulke dingen doet." Deut. 22:5

"Daarom zeg ik jullie: maak je geen zorgen over jezelf en over wat je zult eten of drinken, noch over je lichaam en over wat je zult aantrekken. Is het leven niet meer dan voedsel en het lichaam niet meer dan kleding?" Matt. 6:25

"Ook wil ik dat de vrouwen zich waardig, sober en ingetogen kleden. Ze moeten niet opvallen door een opzichtige haardracht, dure kleding, goud of parels, maar door goede daden, zoals gepast is voor vrouwen die zeggen dat ze God vereren." 1 Tim.2:9,10

"Uw schoonheid moet niet gelegen zijn in uiterlijkheden, zoals kunstig gevlochten haar, gouden sieraden of elegante kleding," 1 Pet. 3:3


Neither are we to provide for ourselves costly clothing. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.263.

I say, then, that man requires clothes for nothing else than the covering of the body, for defense against excess of cold and intensity, lest the inclemency of the air injure us. And if this is the purpose of clothing, see that one kind is not assigned to men and another to women. For it is common to both to be covered, as it is to eat and drink. . . . And if some accommodation is to be made, women may be permitted to use softer clothes, provided they avoid fabrics that are foolishly thin and of curious texture in weaving. They should also bid farewell to embroidery of gold and Indian silks. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.265.

Luxurious clothing that cannot conceal the shape of the body is no more a covering. For such clothing, falling close to the body, takes its form more easily. Clinging to the body as though it were the flesh, it receives its shape and outlines the woman’s figure. As a result, the whole make of the body is visible to spectators, although they cannot see the body itself. Dyeing of clothes is also to be rejected. . . . But for those persons who are white and unstained within, it is most suitable to use white and simple garments. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.265.

Neither is it seemly for the clothes to be above the knee. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.266.

Women should for the most part wear shoes. For it is not suitable for the foot to be shown naked. Besides, woman is a tender thing, easily hurt. But for a man, bare feet are quite in keeping, except when he is on military service. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.267.

Those who glory in their looks—not in their hearts—dress to please others. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.273.

The wearing of gold and the use of softer clothing is not to be entirely prohibited. Nevertheless, irrational cravings must be curbed. . . . The Instructor permits us, then, to use simple clothing, that of a white color, as we said before. . . . As in the case of the soldier, the sailor, and the ruler, so also the proper dress of the temperate man is what is plain, becoming, and clean. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.284.

Let a woman wear a plain and becoming dress, but softer than what is suitable for a man. Yet, it should not be immodest or entirely steeped in luxury. And let the garments be suited to age, person, figure, nature, and pursuits. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.285.

It is never suitable for women whose lives are framed according to God to appear in public clothed in things bought from the market. Rather, they should be clothed in their own homemade work. For a most beautiful thing is a thrifty wife, who clothes both herself and her husband.
Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.287.

Woman and man are to go to church decently attired, with natural step, embracing silence. . . . Let the woman observe this, further: Let her be entirely covered, unless she happens to be at home. For that style of dress is serious and protects from being gazed at. And she will never fall, who puts before her eyes modesty and her veil. Nor will she invite another to fall into sin by uncovering her face. For this is the wish of the Word, since it is becoming for her to pray veiled. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.290.

What reason is there in the Law’s prohibition against a man wearing woman’s clothing? Is it not that it would have us to be masculine and not to be effeminate in either person or actions? Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.365.

In His Law, it is declared that the man is cursed who wears female garments. So what must His judgment be of the pantomime, who is eventrained to act the part of a woman? Tertullian (c. 197, W), 3.89.

Concerning modesty of dress and embellishments, indeed, the commandment of Peter is likewise plain, restraining as he does with the same mouth . . . the glory of garments, the pride of gold, and the showy elaboration of the hair. Tertullian (c. 198, W), 3.687.

First, then, blessed sisters, take heed that you do not admit to your use flashy and sluttish garbs and clothing.
Tertullian (c. 198, W), 4.22.

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